Hon. Jimi@plenary today.

 Hon. Okunjimi Odimayo Makes Case for Blackout in Irele/Okitipupa Federal Constituency, Others at the Reps Plenary. 

The Member of the House of Representatives in Irele/Okitipupa Federal Constituency, Hon. (Prince) Okunjimi Odimayo today moved a motion for the Need to Investigate the Electricity disconnection in Irele, Okitipupa, Ese Odo and Ilaje Local Government Areas of Ondo State. 

Hon. Odimayo said that the primary responsibility of every government is to create a conducive atmosphere that will enable its citizens to carry out their social and economic activities in their respective fields of endeavours with little or no hindrance;

"Aware that since 2014 communities in Irele Local Government Areas, such as Ode¬lrele, Ode-Ajagba, Akotogbo, lyesan, Iju Osun, Omi, Atorase, Aba Idogun and others in Okitipupa Local Government Area, namely, lgbotako, llutitun, lkoya, Ayeka, lgbodigo, Erinje, lgodan, ldobilayo, and Big road area of Okitipupa, and most communities in Ese-Edo and Ilaje Local government areas of Ondo State have been thrown into darkness, by the Benin Electricity Distribution Company. (BEDC)". 

The Lawmaker at the House plenary today emphasized that the action by the Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC) has brought untold hardships and misery to the citizens of these local government areas, as all Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in these areas have folded up or collapsed due to lack of electricity supply and the high cost of providing alternative power supply with generator have crippled the businesses of those who tried to brave the odds by using generators to power their activities;

Hon. Odimayo stressed that children born fifteen years ago to date in these Communities do not know what public power supply is all about as they have never witnessed any form of electricity supply, thereby creating the erroneous impression and belief that the only means of power supply is either from local lamps, touches, candles and generators. 

The philanthropist stated that life in these Local Government Areas is presently economically and socially dead as all major industries situated in the areas have either relocated to other areas that are conducive to their operations, while those who tried to manage the situation such as the Oluwa glass Industry, Okitipupa Oil Palm Mill and NTA Channel 26 to name but a few have all collapsed, thereby making life very difficult, hellish and uninteresting for indigenes of these areas. 

He further stated that the blackout has led to a massive loss of jobs for the locals, as it has adversely affected foreign exchange earnings by the Okitipupa oil mill, which is a major producer and exporter of Palm oil and its allied products in the area, the Ondo State University of Science and Technology Okitipupa, which is a major hub for most of the private businesses around the town is also caught in this web of protracted darkness as it is costing the institution so much of her scarce resources to provide power for its operations. Suffice it to say that the obvious consequences are that all small businesses and enterprises within the institution have either folded up or are struggling to survive and academic activities are seriously hindered as no meaningful learning and research work can be optimally done in such a depressive environment without light. 

The Business magnate cum legislator expressed worries that with the above horrible situation prevailing in the area due to lack of public power supply, the people especially youths in the area are left jobless and this has led to many of them migrating to surrounding towns and cities in search of economic prosperity while some take to crimes and unwholesome activities, as "an idle mind they say is the devil workshop;

The motion moved by Hon. Okunjimi Odimayo to the House plenary on Wednesday, July 12 2023 Resolved to the Honourable House to:

(i) mandate the Committee on Power (when constituted) to invite:

(a) General Manager/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Benin Electricity Distribution Company to explain the reason for the electricity blackout in the communities of Irele, Okitipupa, Ese-Odo and Ilaje Local Government Areas for the past 14 years;

(b) invite Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) to explain why Irele, Okitipupa, Ese Odo and Ilaje Local Government Areas were disconnected from the national grid and direct that they be reconnected back to it;

(c)  to liaise with the National Electricity Regulatory Commission on the quick reconnection of these Local Government Areas to public power supply while resolving any possible dispute that may arise or have arisen between the communities and the service provider;

(ii) also mandate Committee on Power to report back within eight weeks for further legislative action.

Prince Jimi Odimayo assured constituents that he would live no stone unturned to ensure proper steps are taken to address the lingering electricity challenge in Irele/Okitipupa federal constituency and other neighbouring local governments.  

July 12, 2023.


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