All hail Ondo-born youngest and first female pilot, Olamide Akinfolarin

Learning from credence, it's been arguably said that what a man can do, a woman can do better, this is the story of a young legal luminary cum pilot who was the youngest and first Ondo-born female pilot, Olamide Akinfolarin.

Olamide Akinfolarin was born on July 14, 1988 at Ondo town in Ondo State to the family of Mr Collins Funsho-Akinfolarin and Mrs Gladys Nwabuskwu-Akinfolarin.

In the olden days, education of a female child tends to be a waste of tiime, energy and resources as they say all their education and certificates ends in the kitchen.

But the pendulum has swinged from the past and no longer seen the old way because  nowadays, the female folks are making great impacts and springing surprises in series of unimaginable and unbelievable ventures to the chagrin of the domineering men folks.

The motive of young Olamide was to make a huge diffence and stand tall among the women fold, although with feminine capacity but something crossed her mind that education was the only thing she can use to cause an upset.

Young Olamide had been dreaming of becoming a pilot and that was what prompted her to make good grades in her Secondary School examination, the West African Examination Council (WAEC)

Her supperlative performance gave her the courage to achieve her dreams and with the full financial support of her parents gave her the credence to study law as she proceeded to the University of Benin, Edo State where she bagged a Diploma in Law for 2007/2008 academic session and later futher her education which later earn her a Second Class Upper Division in Bachelor of Law in 2012/2013 academic session in the same Universty.

In furtherance to the stipulated law as a prerequisite to attend the Law School as a Law student, she later proceeded to the Law School in Abuja and due to her sterling performance,  she bagged a Second Class Hounours which the Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Council of Legal Education certified her and she was called to the Bar in 2014.

She worked briefly with an Estate Agent Company but her quest to be a pilot since her childwood supported her wish when she relocated to South Africa.

Her brilliance and curiosity to attain and maintain a high-skilled men folks occupation supported her to ventured her into the University of Pretoria, where she bagged a Masters Degree in International Air Space and Telecommunications Law in 2019.

She has a certified lincense by the Nigerua Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) as a Senior First Officer to fly a local plane and her lincense was also certified by the Department of Transport and Aviation, United States of America (USA) which also gave her the perogative to fly an international commercial plane in the European air space.

Her doggedness and experience gave her the opportunity to worked with Overland Airways, Ikeja, Lagos as a First Officer from 2019 to 2022 but currently working with Green African Airways as a Senior First Officer (Pilot).

Olamide is a devout Chrusteain, now married with children but her story was like the one who walked from grass to grace, but with dedication, concentration and the zeal to make an impact in life, she tow the way of success which was rough and tough but she eventually found herself on the ladder of success through hard work and constitency which are harculean task to be done before success is assured.

Olamide never made in-road to success through crook or hook but through perceviarance, courage, determination and strong will which gave her the landmark as the first female pilot in the Sunshine State and she will definitely leave a indelible mark on the minds of young folks especially the femine gender who wants to be like her to emulate and follow her footsteps


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