59th Independence: Nigeria growing in age but diminishing in Development.
Oh Nigeria my Country! God loves you so much and my reason for saying this, is evidenced by  the colossal natural and human resources deposits in you to sustain infinitely and stands out greatly among Nations of the World as well as quelling the numerous want of Nigerians. Today as a Nation State, there is nothing wrong to be classified among the World economic Powers considering the gargantua natural gifts(natural resources) from the alpha and omega, though reverse is the case today due to the activities of political locusts and economic cankerworms who instead of managing these abundant resources to rescue Nigerians from the hand of poverty and other socio-economic vices but squandered and still squandering for egocentric interest of their personal selves and families. Sorry my dear Country Nigeria for been plagued by bad leaders. They can only delay your destiny, it will surely manifest one day.
Yes Nigeria clocks 59 years today and still crawling to meet up with her counterparts in all ramifications. An adage says 'a fool at  forty is a fool forever. Nigeria is more  than forty and still in a state of Pre take off politically, economically and socially. Today, our reputation is questionable particularly as result of corruption and cyber crimes caused by inability of government to provide employment opportunity to the citizens. Nigeria is currently the headquarter of poverty according to World ranking of a Country with highest level of poverty due to the inept leader in power. Currently Nigeria top the list of the most dangerous place to live in the World due to high level of insecurity by the activities of boko haram, Fulani herdsmen, banditry e.t.c and government is making no genuine efforts to override this menace. Abacha once said 'any insurgents that lasts for 24hours, government has hand in it. This we can't argue considering how Nigerian government are cosseting and negotiating with terrorists on quarter basis. This is lugubrious. Leah Saribu is still in captive and government keep promising she will be released. Shameful! When and how?  The current government in power has spent over 1trillion naira according to the V.P Prof.Yemi Osinbajo on power without nothing substantial to show for the Country's power supply. Rule of law, democracy and fundamental human rights has been totally sidelined, our judiciary is now a puppet in the hand of the power that be. Justice Taiwo Taiwo of the Federal High Court at a moment would be in a gloom due to refusal of the DSS to heed to his judgement and federal government action to rearranged the convener of Revolution now Omoyele Sowore under another judge, is a pure indication that our judiciary lack independence . Oh Nigeria Judiciary!Get well soon, Amen. Our legislative arm is now a rubber stamp institution all in the name of majority party discipline and hence the purpose of separation of power has been defeated. Degree is no more a meal ticket according to President Buhari, one of the modern functions of government is to provide employment opportunity to the citizens but not applicable to Nigeria my Country. This is disheartening and unfortunate. INEC independent has been compromise and hence, unable to independently conduct free and fair elections. The current proposed cashless policy by Central Bank is devilish and stands condemned. Government exist so that the strong will not exert force to oppress the weak and the poor from been override by the wealthy. In the case of Nigeria, the strong exert force to oppress the weak and the poor by the wealthy. So Nigeria can be said to be the former Hobessian State of Nature where life  was solitary, poor, nasty, e.t.c. What really is the problem of Nigeria?
Our problems are numerous but if one of this problem is addressed, solutions to others will be easy to proffer and minimal. To me the most critical of this problems is leadership problem.
Our leaders defines their success to mean winning an election or winning a political battles among political actors, no Country can work under a leader with this mentality.The competition among the political actors is not how to move the country forward but to be the most celebrated by the political halleluyah boys."Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes"~Drucker. Nigeria would work with a visionary and result oriented leaders who will be the custodian of rule of law and democracy, who will submit to the dictates of laws and constitution and whose priority would be for the welfare and uplift of the masses. Also, who will translate manifestoes into a reality that Nigerians would see and enjoy everyday.
If Nigeria is blessed with a leader of this kind, there is hope for Nigeria. So, our major focus should be how to ensure we have a purposeful Leader in the helm of affairs. With this, our numerous socioeconomic and political challenges would be solved.
I hereby submit that with a visionary, purposeful and result oriented leaders, the glory of Nigeria will shine  brightly.
It is my prayers that at 59th years of independence, Nigeria will rise above every tribulations in Jesus name, Amen.
Fellow Nigerians, let's be hopeful and prayerful, Nigeria would soon be better but don't forget you have a role to play.
Congratulations and God bless our patriotic nationalist leaders who fought intellectually for the attainment of Nigeria independence from the Colonial Master in 1960.

God bless Nigeria!

Adedeji Victor Odunayo.


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