Political Update.




The Candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC for the House of Representatives, Okitipupa/Irele Federal Constituency of Ondo State, Prince Jimi Odimayo has expressed his love and willingness to uplift his people's spirit, renewed their hope and put smiles on their faces as they witnessed the joy of the New Year, 2023. 

In his New Year message to Nigerians and the people of the Constituency, Odimayo felicitated with the people for the special grace to witness a New Year full of hope, opportunities and a future assured with better days ahead.

The youthful entrepreneur and oil magnet said; "I pray that this Year 2023 will be our moment of the bountiful harvest of democratic gains, total peace across our land and best of life in all positive ramifications to every one of us.

"In the spirit of the New Year celebrations, I call on all politicians to recommit themselves to the service of humanity. Our calling as political actors should have only one goal-service to our people in towns and villages.

"I am using this opportunity and privilege to offer my humble self for service in 2023 to represent the good people of Okitipupa/Irele Federal Constituency in the Green Chambers of the National Assembly, with a promise of hope, future reassured and better life ahead of all of us.

"Our people have suffered for a long.  They are still struggling to feed, send their children to school, have access to medicare and survive the harsh economic situations; As for me and my team, we are pledging our selfless service to humanity. That is why we are in this race, that is mainly why we are in politics.

"On this blessed New Year, I urge Okitipupa/Irele Federal Constituency people to persevere just for a while because help is on the way. A people's government for the people, by the people, is around the corner.

"I assure you that, with the spirit of hopefulness, positive attitudinal change and best practice towards our darling Constituency, State and great Country, Nigeria; we shall all reach the Promise Land and our Country shall be ranked top among the committee of great Nations in the world.

 "As we go into the 2023 General Elections, I enjoin all of us to be diligent, peaceful and truthful in our political engagements in the build-up to the election; as we exercise our civic responsibility and right to vote and be voted for. The first step towards achieving this feat is to go out and get of Permanent Voter's Card, PVC from the office of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC near our residence. 

"As it is the will of the Almighty God, we shall continue the New Year in love, peace and prosperity. In the Year 2023 and by February 25th when you must have elected me as your representative, we shall jubilate and celebrate our divine victory at the poll, by the grace of God.

"This is to reaffirm my commitment towards improving the living standard of our people in all capacities, not minding their social status, gender or religion, young or old: I promise a better representation like never before, which will propel and upshot our Constituency to the pinnacle of all times greatness.

"Let me use this joyful moment to once again, beg for your votes on February 25, 2023, so that with your support and encouragement,  we shall rescue our Constituency from the current economic and social woes, with purposeful leadership that will restore and renew hope to the larger percentage of our people.

"Wishing all of us a Happy New Year filled with sound health, plenty of wealth, and happy moments. 

"May the New Year bring us prosperity, happiness, and success, and be filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments with our loved ones."

Thank You as I welcome all to the Year of Divine Transformation of our Democratic Governance.



2023 APC Candidate for  Okitipupa/Irele Federal Constituency.

January 1, 2023.


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