Political News

2023: Slipping Back to Looting and Its Attendant Consequences or Liberating Ourselves, Once and for All - the Choice is Ours*.  

 ```©Irele LG APC Campaign Committee, New Media and Communications``` 

 ```Corruption is cancer, cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity.``` ” — Joe Biden.

Though, we do not subscribe nor could be dragged into the mudslingings the opposition is known for; we have one duty - that of setting the records straight for the sake of those who see the path to prosperity being laid but wish it could be achieved through a miracle or magic, and so halt between two opinions of either to go forward or fall back to the termites and cankerworms that have destroyed our past to present, as a nation.

The opposition, in their mendacity, has been read on many platforms and pages of the paper to have been clamouring for a return to our inglorious past, citing economic hardships as their justification.

What greater cruelty and cold-bloodedness can be more than this effrontery and affront on the collective sense of our people who have been robbed and rigged of their commonwealth and fortunes, yet decided to move forward, having found ''Hope Renewed''?

The question to be asked is: why does armed robbery as an offence against the state attracts confiscation of properties, life imprisonment and or the death penalty for the perpetrators? Of course, because among other reasons, it tends to lead to misfortune (turning a state of prosperity into poverty) and killings.

Does the consequence of pen robbery (corruption) differ in any way? What led to our falling into economic recession immediately after taking over from the kleptomaniacs, despite years of oil booms in the previous administrations? What happened to our national treasury and foreign reserves to have warranted a recession, from which the government of the day came out, sooner to the amazement of the world economic experts?

If a day armed robbery can paralyze someone economically, for many years, if not for a lifetime, what about pen robbery of sixteen years with impunity? Corruption, no doubt, has dealt us an economic blow, resulting in all that plague us today.

The perfect analogy to understanding the evils of the sixteen years of ''locust reign'' in our history as a people, is to look at it from the angle of an armed robbery that took away one's many years of hard earnings (not even in 16years, but just in a day); no matter how smart and industrious one is, one will no doubt, struggle for some years, amidst emotional tortures, before recovering.

Unfortunately, when the government of the day has determined not to be distracted by the consequences of the looting on infrastructural developments, employment, security and other areas, nor dwell on the blame game, but proffering solutions as a change agent, those who are the source of our national woes are praying us to go back to the past, now that we are being closed to the realisation of our Hope and Breakthrough  (Aseyori). Never!

Hence, having known pen robbery (corruption) is deadlier than armed robbery, as it kills through hunger than guns, wreaks havoc on the graduate youths, health services, traders, public and civil servants, farmers and artisans; and elections are around the corner again, the choice is whether to entrust our mandate and future into the hands of political thieves or technocrats, come 2023.

13 December 2022.



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