Plenary Proceedings of the House of Representatives for Thursday, July 4, 2019. The Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila Presiding.

After leading the opening prayer, the Speaker examined and approved the Plenary Votes and Proceedings for Wednesday, July 3, 2019 wherein all activities of the House in the gazetted votes and proceedings of the House were adopted including announcement of Hon. Ndudi Elumelu as Minority Leader; Hon. Gideon Gwoni - House Minority Whip; Hon. Tobi Okechukwu - Deputy Minority Leader; Hon. Segun Adekoya - Deputy Minority Whip
The Speaker Administered the Oath of Office and the Oath of Allegiance on a new Member, Hon. Jafaru Ilyasu (Niger State)


Constitution of the Principal Officers of the Majority Party:

House Leader: Hon. Alhassan Ado Doguwa

Deputy House Leader: Hon. Peter Akpatason

Chief Whip: Hon. Mohammed Monguno

Deputy Chief Whip: Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha

Hon. Benjamin Kalu raised a Point of Order under matters of privileges, saying he was psychologically threatened by the action of Members on Wednesday, July 3rd during Plenary in the Chambers of the House, especially by the actions of Hon. Gogo Bright (PDP, Rivers) who was caught on camera removing the Mace during Plenary. He prayed the House constitute a Committee to investigate the incident and punish those erring members as a means of preventing a reoccurrence. In his ruling, the Speaker called it a breach of the collective privilege of Members and approved the constitution of an Ad-Hoc Ethics Committee to investigate it.

Hon. Tajudeen Yusuf raised a Point of Order that the names of the Minority Parties Leadership that read on Wednesday, July 3, were not in the Votes and Proceedings for the same day. The Speaker noted the Point of Order.

Hon. Mark Gbillah raised a Point of Order under privileges, claiming that he viewed the Speaker's warning to Honourable Members to conduct themselves with decorum while in the Hallowed Chambers as a threat. The Speaker clearly stipulated that a warning and a threat have different meanings in the dictionary and are not the same. Hon. Gbillah was therefore ruled out of Order.

Hon. Daniel Asuquo pleaded for peace over what transpired when a Member seemed to have to grabbed the Mace on Wednesday, July 3. He said it was an expression of anger, which  is common with human beings and that it was not done in disregard to the Speaker. He pledged loyalty to the leadership of Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila. He called on all factions to embrace peace in the House. The Speaker thanked him for his magnanimity, but stated that the incident was not against him - the Speaker, but against the Institution of Legislature, so everything must be done to protect the institution in line with international standards. The Speaker noted that the procedure must continue in line with the motion moved by Hon. Benjamin Kalu, and that unless a motion on notice is moved to halt the process and adopted by the House, it must continue.

He then went on to name Hon. Peter Akpatason as the Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Ethics and Privilege with a charge to investigate the incident, with Hon. James Faleke, Hon. Tijani Ahmed and others as Members.

Hon. Taiwo brought a petition from a constituent whose engament with the Federal Road Safety Commission was unlawfully terminated and another against the same commission, which denied her due and deserved promotion. 


Hon. Abubakar Yahaya Kusada raised a motion on a recent flood disaster in his constituency in Katsina State. He stated that the flood had destroyed property, farmlands and other means of livelihood. He prayed the House to ensure NEMA comes to the aid of those affected by providing relief items. In ruling, the Speaker stated that the issue would be referred to the relevant Committee when constituted.

Hon. Owolabi James also raised a motion on a recent flood disaster in his constituency in Lagos State. He stated that the flood has hampered socioeconomic activities of his constituents and the possibility of a reoccurrence has posed grave danger to the already traumatized people. He prayed the House to ensure NEMA and other relevant Government Agencies come to the aid of the affected persons by providing relief items. Ruling on the matter, the Speaker stated that the issue would be referred to the relevant Committee when constituted.

Hon. Mohammed Gudaji Kazaure raised a motion on the urgent need for the Federal Government to upwardly review the salaries of judicial workers at the federal and state levels. He pointed out that judges' salaries were last reviewed over 10 years ago, which is a long time. He said it is also known that the disparity between the salaries of judges in Nigeria and their counterparts in the United Kingdom is highly unfavorable to the Nigerian counterparts. He stated that the review is necessary if the Federal Government is serious in fighting corruption and compromise in the justice delivery system in the Judiciary.

In supporting the motion, Hon Babajimi Benson commended Kazaure, but he sought the modification of some of the prayers so that it would not look as if the House is overstepping its bounds. This view was re-echoed by Hon. Usman Bello and Hon. Olumide Osoba.

On her part, Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, while supporting the motion, stated that the first-line charge of the Judiciary should be ensured and they should not be short-changed in any form. The motion was voted on and passed.

Hon. Kani Abubakar moved a motion on the urgent need to investigate the crisis that led to the emergence of two different Speakers in the 9th Assembly in the Bauchi State House of Assembly. He stated that about 11 Members illegally gathered earlier than the scheduled time of 10:00 AM and elected for themselves a Speaker and Deputy against the approval of their majority peers. He expressed worry that if the situation is left unchecked, it could lead to a dangerous precedent which may be adopted illegally by other Houses of Parliament going forward. He then called for an investigation into the circumstances leading to, and surrounding the matter.

Contributing, Hon. Ahmadu Jaha stated that State Houses of Assembly are the closest to the grassroots and subverting their procedures is taking illegality right to the locality. As an investigative motion it was voted on, passed and referred to an Ad-Hoc Committee Chaired by Hon. Musa Sarkin Adar.

Following the full constitution of the Principal Officers of the House, the Leader of the House on behalf of Leaders of the Majority Party, Hon. Alhassan Ado Dogwa thanked the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Honourable Members and the APC for the confidence reposed on the Principal Officers and assured them of their resolve to perform in their capacity. He called on Members of other Parties to join hands to constructively engage the Executive arm of government for the good of Nigerians in the spirit of the Joint Task Agenda of the 9th House of Representatives.


1. North Central Development Commission (Establishment) Bill, 2019 (HB. 23) (Hon. Simon Mwadkwon) – First Reading.

2. Local Industry Patronage Bill, 2019 (HB.24) (Hon. Simon Mwadkwon) – First Reading.

3. Crime and Criminal Tracking System Bill, 2019 (HB.25) (Hon. Simon Mwadkwon) – First Reading.

4. Anatomy Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.26) (Hon. Simon Mwadkwon) – First Reading.

5. Marriage Act (Amendment) Bill 2019 (HB.27) (Hon. Simon Mwadkwon) – First Reading.

6. Casino Taxation Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.28) (Hon. Simon Mwadkwon) – First Reading.

7. Export Prohibition Act (Repeal) Bill, 2019 (HB.29) (Hon. Mohammed Tahir Monguno and Hon. Benjamin O. Kalu) – First Reading

8. Investment and Security Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB. 30) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

9. Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.31) (Hon. Mohammed Tahir Monguno) – First Reading.

10. Regional Centre for Oral Health Research and Training Initiatives (Establishment, etc.) Bill, 2019 (HB.32) (Hon. Mohammed Tahir Monguno) – First Reading.

11. Certified Council of Allied Dental Health Professionals (Establishment) Bill, 2019 (HB.33) (Hon. Mohammed Tahir Monguno) – First Reading.

12. Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority Act (Repeal and Enactment) Bill, 2019 (HB.34) (Hon. Benjamin O. Kalu) – First Reading.

13. Investment and Security Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.35) (Hon. Benjamin O. Kalu) – First Reading.

14. National Crop Varieties and Livestock Breeds Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.36)  (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta)

15. FCT HIV/AIDS Control Agency Bill, 2019 (HB.37) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

16. Chartered Institute of Export and Commodity Brokers of Nigeria Bill, 2019 (HB.38) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

17. National Primary Health Care Development Agency Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (HB.39) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

18. Commodities Exchange Bill, 2019 (HB. 40) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

19. Emergency Communication Bill, 2019 (HB. 41) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

20. Telecommunications Facilities (Lawful Interception of Information) Bill, 2019 (HB. 42) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.

21. Satellite Towns Development Agency Bill, 2019 (HB. 43) (Hon. Uzoma Nkem-Abonta) – First Reading.



1. ​Fuel Tanker Explosion at Ahumbe Community in Gwer-East Local Government Area of Benue State that Claimed Over Fifty (50) Lives:
Hon. Mark Terseer Gbillah:

The House:

Notes the unfortunate loss of over fifty lives, including those of passengers of a coaster bus, on 1 July 2019 at Ahumbe Community along Makurdi-Aliade Road in Gwer-East LGA of Benue State when a fuel tanker fully laden with Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) exploded after the tanker fell over on its side allegedly, while trying to avoid a pothole, with dozens of other victims sustaining third degree burns and were rushed to several hospitals within the vicinity for treatment;
Also notes the dilapidated state of Federal roads traversing Benue State like the Makurdi-Naka-Adoka-Ankpa road and the Makurdi- Aliade-Otukpo-9th Mile road which are the main roads linking the Southern and Northern parts of Nigeria but have become impassable death traps for decades;

Aware that while contract for the rehabilitation of Makurdi-Naka-Adoka-Ankpa Road has been awarded, even though there is no sufficient provision in the 2019 Budget for work to commence, no progress has been made on the rehabilitation of the Makurdi-Aliade-Otukpo-9th Mile Road where the accident occurred;

Concerned about the huge cost of treatment of the victims, while commending the Benue State Government for agreeing to bear the immediate hospital bills, however the full cost in the long run might be too much for the State to bear, hence the need for the Federal Government and related industry operators to do more about providing assistance to victims in such circumstances and enlightening the citizens about the dangers associated with spilled petroleum products;

Also concerned at the recurrence of the incidents across the country and wonders whether the regulatory authorities do ensure that those very inflammable contents of fuel tankers are properly contained in the event of an accident and if the drivers of those tankers are qualified to drive such cargo and have been trained in immediate safety precautions, especially in populated areas;

Resolves to:

(i)      Observe a minute of silence in honour of the victims of the explosion;

(ii)​urge the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), industry operators and related regulatory authorities to provide relief materials and medical treatment for the victims and other affected members of the community;

(iii)   ​also urge the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing to cause a Supplementary Budget to be made that would include adequate funds for the commencement of work on the Makurdi-Naka-Adoka-Ankpa road and also to make provision in the 2020 budget estimates for the continuation/completion of rehabilitation of the road;

(iv)    ​further urge the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing to include funds in the 2020 budget estimates for rehabilitation of the Makurdi-Aliade-Otukpo-9th Mile road;

(v)​set-up an Ad-hoc Committee to investigate the cause of the incident with a view to proffering solutions and preventing recurrence in other parts of the country and report back within two (2) weeks for further legislative action.

 *Motion Stepped down by leave of the House

2.​ Urgent Need to Investigate the Menace of Call Masking/Call Refilling in the Country:
Hon. Rimamnde Shawulu Kwewum:

The House:

Notes with concern the prevailing practice in the country of masked calling also known as “call masking or call refilling” by some unscrupulous individuals and companies, with the aim to keep personal phone numbers of businesses and individuals, private;

Also notes that the practice entails the act of concealing international calls coming into the country and disguising them as local calls, in order to make profits from the difference in prices between local and international calls;

Further notes that a masked call occurs when an international calling number or Caller Line Identity (CLI) is 'masked' or disguised as a local traffic number and through this, parties can make calls or Send Short Messages (SMS) to each other without revealing their personal phone numbers;

Cognizant of the fact that the practice is a deliberate attempt by fraudsters to avoid paying the correct International Terminal Rate (ITR) for international calls, paying instead, at the Local Termination Rate (LTR);

Aware that by the practice, international calls are terminated in the country as local numbers, using illegal SIM boxes loaded with several numbers, and this has led to loss of revenues running into several billions of dollars by service providers and the Government;

Also aware that the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has consistently decried the practice and in fact sanctioned several telecommunications operators on the practice of call masking, yet the practice still persists at an alarming rate;       

Further aware that the act constitutes an economic and financial crime within the ambit of Section 46 of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Act;

Concerned that the illegal act also leads to loss of revenue for service providers and the Government, and by extension, negatively affects the economic growth and development of the country as well as constituting serious threat to national security, especially in cyberspace as the country could be hit by a new wave of insecurity in the midst of the prevailing security challenges facing the country, if the trend is not immediately checked;

Resolves to:
(i)      condemn the practice of “call masking or refilling” that is prevalent in the country and urge the Federal Government to take measures to check the menace;

(ii)    mandate the Committees on National Security and Intelligence, Financial Crimes and Telecommunications (when constituted) to investigate the matter and report back within four (4) weeks for further legislative action.

 *Motion Stepped down by leave of the House

3. ​Urgent Need to Combat the Rising Cases of Banditry, Kidnapping and Cattle Rustling Across several Local Government Areas of Sokoto State:
Hon. Muhammad Saidu Bargaja​​​​ Hon. Ibrahim Al-Mustapha Aliyu
Hon. Musa S Adar​​​​​​ Hon. Bala Kouani​​​
Hon. Yusuf Isa Kurdulla​​​​​ Hon. Aliyu A. A Shitu:

The House:

Notes that Isa, Sabon Birni, Wurno, Rabah, Goronyo, Gada, Tambuwal, Kebbe, Tangaza, Gudu, Tureta, Bonica and Dange-shuni Local Government Areas of Sokoto State have been experiencing series of attacks by invading bandits for a long period of time leading to loss of lives of many innocent people and confiscation of properties including livestock, foodstuff, other essential commodities and displacement of thousands of villagers, including women and children;

Also notes that those attacks have adversely affected agricultural and economic activities in the communities, thereby making farming and other business activities almost impossible;

Informed that the attacks by those invading bandits cut across other States of Zamfara, Katsina and Kaduna, thereby creating livelihood crisis in the whole of the North-West Geo-Political Zone of the Country, a situation that has led the people to live in fear and uncertainty in the Internally Displaced Persons Camps (IDPs) established in various locations across the Local Government Areas;

Acknowledges the efforts so far made by the Government of Sokoto State in supporting security
agencies to provide protection for the communities, provision of foodstuff, shelter, medication and other life requirements at various times;

Concerned about the consequences of those prolonged attacks and displacement of the people from their communities, including destruction of infrastructure, closure of primary schools and increasing rate of poverty and unemployment;

Also concerned that access roads in those Local Government Areas have been blocked by the bandits as people from several communities are not able to travel to and from Sokoto, the State capital and farmers from those areas are no longer able to go to their farms as the poor farmers are required to pay levies to the bandits before being allowed to go to their farms, a development that could result into famine;

Further concerned that in villages of Tsamaye, Labau, Bore, Tagirke, Mazau, Dankure, Katsalle, Burkasuma, Satiru, Kamarawa, Arume, Yergebe, Surrudawa, Girnashe, Tsabre, Modachi and Bargaja across Ulalle, Gatawa, Isa and Bafarawa Districts, over 170 people have been killed, 230 injured and about 140 kidnapped over the period.

Resolves to:

(i) Urge the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to provide relief materials for the communities;

(ii) also urge the Inspector-General of Police and other Security Agencies to flush out the bandits, kidnappers and cattle rustlers and arrest the ugly situation in the Local Government Areas;

(iii) set up an Ad-hoc Committee to pay a condolence visit to the Government and people of Sokoto State;

The Motion was Moved by Hon. Mohammed Bargaja and 5 other Members and Seconded by Hon. Kokani Bala. The Motion is on the urgent need to combat the rising cases of banditry, kidnapping and cattle rustling in Sokoto State. Hon. Mohammed stated that the activities of these bandits have stalled socioeconomic activities in Sokoto State as people are afraid to engage in their normal activities and that even roads into and out of their communities are always blocked by the bandits when they are carrying out their activities without the intervention of the available security operatives. He prayed the House to ensure the security operatives rise up to the occasion and efficiently discharge their primary functions of protecting lives and properties of the citizens.

Hon. Shehu Aliyu sought for the investigation into the root causes of the issues so as to adequately nip them in their bud, calling for adequate attention to be given to the over 5,000 displaced citizens who have fled their homes and farms due to fear, as well as finding ways to have them resettled and back to being properly engaged. The Motion was Voted on and Passed.

4.​ Urgent Need for the Federal Government to Intervene in the Unwarranted Harassment, Intimidation and Persecution of Professor Austin Uzoma Nwagbara and Other Nigerians by Ghanaian Authorities:
Hon. Bamidele Salam:

The House:

Notes that the United Nations Charter on Human and Fundamental Rights guarantees the right to freedom of opinion and expression as a fundamental human right;

Also notes recent media reports on the termination of the appointment of Professor Austin Nwagbara, a professor of English Language who was on sabbatical at the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana over comments he made in a video about the educational systems in Ghana and Nigeria;

Informed that Article 3 of the Kampala Declaration on Intellectual Freedom and Social Responsibility states that "No African intellectual shall, in any way, be persecuted, harassed or intimidated for reasons only of his or her intellectual work, opinion, gender, nationality or ethnicity";

 Also informed that Article 4 of the Kampala Declaration provides that “Every African intellectual shall enjoy the freedom of movement within his or her country and freedom to travel outside and re-enter the country without let, hindrance or harassment and that no administrative or any other action shall directly or indirectly restrict this freedom on account of a person's intellectual opinions, beliefs or activity";

Concerned that the intimidation, harassment and unlawful detention of Professor Nwagbara is a gross violation of his fundamental human right as well as the Kampala Declaration on Intellectual Freedom and Social Responsibility;

Also concerned about the incessant intimidation and harassment of Nigerians carrying on their legitimate businesses in Ghana, and if not addressed, may pose dire consequences for Nigeria-Ghana Relations and the Ghanaian Community in Nigeria;

Resolves to:

(i) Condemn, in strong terms, the unwarranted harassment, intimidation and illegal detention of the erudite Professor Austine Uzoma Nwagbara by Ghanaian Authorities;

(ii) urge the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission to intervene in the matter and ensure that other Nigerians living in Ghana are not denied their fundamental human rights;

(iii) mandate the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora (when constituted) to ensure compliance.

Hon. Bamide Salam Moved the Motion on the incessant harassment of Prof. Austin Nwagbara and other Nigerians by Ghanian Authorities and it was Seconded by Hon. Ndudi Elumelu. This, Hon. Salam said is a gross violation of their rights and if not resolved is capable of soiling the close relationship between the two countries. He stated that Prof. Nwagbara was hosting other Nigerians in a meeting aimed at stemming the rise in cases of violence against Nigerians resident in Ghana when they were arrested and have been in detention ever since. He called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure the issue is settled amicably.

 Hon. Benjamin Obidigwe bemoaned the way Nigerians are manhandled in other countries, including countries in Africa. He called on the the Foreign Affairs Ministry to fashion ways of protecting the rights of Nigerians abroad. He called for urgent actions to be taken.

Hon. Ganiyu Johnson in supporting the motion called on the House  Committees on diaspora and foreign relations to first investigate the circumstances before sending a strong-worded letter to the ministries of diaspora and foreign affairs, so as not to be jumping the gun.

Hon. Julius Ihonvbere condemned the blanket ill-treatment of Nigerians worldwide, and the fact that the affected individual is a senior academic personality should give him some form of respect in treatment and benefit of doubt. The Motion was Voted on and Passed.

5.​ Failure of Manufacturers of Beverages to Inscribe Requisite Warnings on the Bottles/Containers with the Attendant Health Hazards to Consumers.
Hon. Rotimi Agunsoye

The House:

Recalls the revelation some time ago that certain Beverages such as Fanta, Sprite, etc. that are produced by the Nigerian Bottling Company PLC as well as other soft drinks by other companies become harmful when taken with Ascorbic Acid, otherwise known as Vitamin C;

Also recalls the apprehension expressed by thousands of consumers across the country on the attendant risks and exposure to cancer, terminal diseases and even death from consuming such drinks;

Aware that a motion on the matter was moved on 22 March, 2017 and the House set up an Ad-hoc Committee to investigate the possible health hazards posed by consumption of those drinks with Ascorbic Acid;

Also aware that the House considered the Report of the Ad-hoc Committee and urged the Nigerian Bottling Company PLC and other Companies producing soft drinks that contain the harmful additives to, not later than January 1, 2019, inscribe warnings on their bottles/containers on the  harmful nature of such products when taken with Ascorbic Acid;

Concerned that up till date, the Nigerian Bottling Company PLC and most other Companies producing such products are yet to comply with the Resolution of the House to inscribe on the bottles warnings to the public on the danger of consuming the products;

Cognizant that if the Companies are not made to comply with the Resolution, millions of consumers of Fanta, Sprite and other soft drinks would remain ignorant of the risks they run in continuing to consume the beverages with Ascorbic Acid, with the attendant risks to their health;

Determined to ensure a Nigerian environment that produces beverages that are healthy for consumption and complies with International health standards and best practices;

Resolves to:

(i) Urge the Federal Ministry of Health and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to ensure that the Nigerian Bottling Company PLC and other Companies producing beverages such as Fanta, Sprite, etc. comply with the Resolution of the House requiring them to inscribe warnings on the bottles/containers of those products that consuming them with Ascorbic Acid will expose consumers to health hazards;

(ii) mandate the Committees on Health Care Services and Legislative Compliance (when constituted) to ensure compliance.

Hon. Rotimi Agunsoye Moved the Motion and it was Seconded by Hon. Mohammed Gololo. The Motion is on the neglect by beverage makers to adequately warn the public on the dangers and side effects of consuming their products by inscribing the warning  on their bottles or by adequate media campaign. He urged the Ministry of Health to ensure that all erring companies are made to comply with the resolution and that the Committee on Legislative Compliance should ensure the healthy living of Nigerians is not jeopardized by this action of neglect. The Motion was Voted on and Passed.


Motion for adjournment was moved by Deputy House Leader, Hon. Peter Akpatason and second by House Minority Leader, Hon. Ndudi Elumelu

The House Adjourned Plenary till Tuesday, July 9th, 2019

Speaker’s Media Office,
House of Representatives.


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